Chollas Plaza Card 01
CHOLLAS PLAZA CARD 01.tif CHOLLAS PLAZA CARD #1- Lot 1- Permit DENIED by ZA to JUNG N. TOM, owner, JAMES E. LARSON, lessee, to use property as an impound storage yard (less than 20 spaces), at 5544-5554 Chol las Parkway Frontage, Zone CA. CUP #17508 3-5-82 Lot 3, Large Collection Facility Permit was denied by ZA, TOM JUNG NGOON/RUDOL FO & CELIO SUAREZ requested a recycling permit to operate a large collection facility on an existing vacant lot where such use is permitted by a Large collection Facility Permit only at 5500 block of Chollas Parkway, CA-Zone C-21448 6-20-97----------------------------------------------------------------------------- f/