Chollas View N0.1 Card 01
CHOLLAS VIEW N0.1 CARD 01.tif-----~'-- ''c:"' VIEW_NO,, 1-..,...-~-...,,_......-- Lot 106, "'ermit to Theodore Provincio & Esther N, to main tain exist. handrail & steps above 2nd riser on Maxim St,; rail & steps obs 3' SB (12 1 req) ~ maintain covered porch on Market St obs 3' SB (10 1 req) at 543 Maxim St, B.-2 zone, Case 3218 3-25-60 Let 8, Penait to Aterio R & Nenita G, Viray to cont ing fa res on parcel with exist du.ple1 at 406 Carlos St betw J & Market Sta, B-2,(total 3 uaits) Case 3495 8-5-60---------------------------------------------- Lot 21, Permit to Lee a: Acie Young to const duplex on parcel with exist duplex(totl 4 units) at 391 Carlos St betv J & K Sta, ~2, cend: 2 off-st park spaces behind SB on E side of duplex & spaces blacktop- not gravel. Case 3496 8-5-60--------------------------------------------- Lot 64- Pennit to Louis S, Katz to move duplex from 2430-32 Doyle St. to 4387--91 "J" St. HM 3933 8-7-62 Lot 65- Pennit to Louis S, Katz to move duplex from 3639-41 McCandless Blvd. to 384-86 44th, HM 3934 8-7-62 Lot 56- Pennit to Louis s. Katz to move duplex from 2429-31 Robertson St, to 4375-79 "J" St, HM 3932 8-7-62 Lot 55- Pennit to Louis S, Katz to move duplex from 2430-32 Robertson St, to 383-85 Gavin (T) HM 3931 8 7 62 Lot 8- Permit to Adeline B. Bernal to complete conversion of att sunshade structure to fam rm addn; exist house & sunshade structure obs 61 rear yd where 15 1 is req (See C-3495), at 4312 "J" St,, at the NW cor of its intersection with Carlos St,, Zone R-2. Case No, 8453 N.H. 11-6-67