City Heightd Block 2 Card 02
CITY HEIGHTD BLOCK 2 CARD 02.tif CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 2 fl CARD 12 st Lot 21 & all of 22- Permit to D. B. Elms to move res from 538 w. Hawthorne to 3509 Boundary HM Res 2955 7/23/58 Lots 23 & 24 & 10 1 street closing adj- Permit to Crispin E. s. & Narcisa Andrade to const 6 1 x 17 1 storage rm addn to exist nonconform. grocer,,',Store in R-2 Zone; exist structure obs 0 1 side yd where 4 1 side yd is req & where V duplex or 2 sing fam dwell is perm, at 3402 Myrtle Ave. at NE corner Myrtle Ave. & Boundary St., Zone R-2, condl. Cases No. 6806 & 6812 12/4/64 Por Lots 45-48- Permit to Donovan & Katherine Hoffman- duplex on 4400 sq, ft. lot, 2 off- street parking spaces (3 required), 15' aisle (21' req), 41.5% cov (40% permitted), Cond. N.H. C-15733 1/5/79 3385, 3387 Dwight St. Lot 1-4- Permit to Jose & Mary Costa to replace 4 units and 8 garages destroyed by plane crash; (I) to obs at cl pt a 11611 str side yd on Dwight St. (2) eaves & fireplace on S side to 2' int side yd, at 3579 & 3585 Boundry St. and 3361 & 3363 Dwight St., Zone R-2. C-15853 3/22/79----------------------------------------------------------------------------