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Development Services

City Heights Annex #1 Block 10

CITY HEIGHTS ANNEX #1 BLOCK 10.tif C lHEIGHTS ANNEX NO. BLOCK 10-Lots 39 & 40- Permit to Edgar Robyn to erect & operate apartment over garage in Zone R-4. I 3662 44th St. Res. 66027 N of Lot 33 & 34- Permit to E.L. Kostuck to move bldg from 1244 47th St. to 3638 44th HM 2263 12-28-55 Lots 39 & 40 = Permit to Fred J. & Vera C. Markwith to maintain exist patio att to side of exist sin fam res with direct access thereto; patio addn obs 2 1611 side yard where 3 1 is req, at I 3662 44th St., betw Landis & Dweight St. Zone R-4, condl C-6039 10-18-63 Lot 7 a-nd S 1 /2 of Lot 6- Permit to Kang Ho Yi & John Arthur at 3669 Fa I rmont Ave.,--- Zone C, to convert existing 2-car garage to a 2-bedroom unit with an additional 2-bedroom unit above on lot with existing SFD; garage with dwelling above to obs 2-1/2 1 Int sideyd, (1) to maintain 2-1/2 1 int side yard for new unit where 4' is req (2) to convert garage to dwelling unit on ground floor, Condit. 1 C-16080 8/23/79______________________________________________ l__________________________________________ Lots 45 and 46- PLANNING DIRECTOR GRANTED CUP to RICHARD HATHAWAY to construct a Senior Citizen Housing facility located at 3682 44th Street, MR-1500 Zone. CUP 86-0909 2/24/87-------------------------------------------------------------------