City Heights Annex #1 Block 12.5 Card 2
CITY HEIGHTS ANNEX #1 BLOCK 12.5 CARD 2.tif...,~.a.,,,;;,..,. ,,., ~.. ..,,.;,,..,. .., Ciff DIGH'l'S ADU #1 'BLOCJC 12 card#- Lot 4- Permit to Armin & Sylvi 'l'amm.iste to maint exist enclosed porch structure obs 12'3" front yd where 15' front yd is req (See Plan File #13435-D) at 3681 45th St., betw Landis & Dwight Ste., Zone R-4. c-8762 N.H. 7-12-68 Lot 3- Permit was APPROVED by ZA to DAVID A. & ALEJANDRA D. NICOLET to construct a second story addition supported by posts to the existing single-family dwelling; second floor posts to observe a 2 1 3" interior side yard on the north side and 31 711 interior sideyard on the south side where 4 1 is required, at 3685-45th Street, Zone R-3. Conditions. C-17764 NH 9-16-82-----------~------------------------------------------------------- ~--