City Heights Annex #1 Block 3.5
CITY HEIGHTS ANNEX #1 BLOCK 3.5.tif ".. ". ~ CITr HEIGHTS ANNEX NO. 1 BLOCK 3 00,00J-Lots 21-24- Permit {condl) to Sam A. Marcell to conv exist gar & ldryrm into liv unit with 2 1 6 11 sideyd, rear of 4520 Univ. Ave. Res. No. 6022 11/28/51 Lots 17 & 18- Permit DENIED to Julda Flinn De Frate, owner, Dr.'s Yenawine, lessees, to maintain exist dbl-face neon sign {5'x7') at 4027- 45tn St. Res. No. 7520 R. A. McGuire & R. L. R/A to face of bldg, 6/24/53 Lots 31, 32- Permit to Chester D. & Mae Raney to canst 8-unit, 2-story apt bldg w/4 open parking spaces at front obs 4' dist from front prop line but only 16 1 dist from curb line where no parking or parking area is perm within 18' of curb line at 4030 Chamoune betw Univ. Ave. & Polk St., R-4. c-8296 (NH) 8/25/67 5