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Development Services

City Heights Annex #1 Block 5

CITY HEIGHTS ANNEX #1 BLOCK 5.tif Cl~ HEIGHTS ANNEX NO. 1 BLOCK 5 Lot 14 exc Wly 63 of Nly 20' & S 5' of E 62 1 of Lot 13- condl Dieffenbacher to const 14'xl8' add. to res naving 26" aideyd. See Res. #4318 Below. permit to Rosa Res. No. 4295 12/14/49 Lot 14 exc Wly 63 1 of Nly 20' & S 5' of E 62' of Lot 13- Permit to Rosa Dieffenbacher ABOVE to const res no st. frontage, 5' access, 3843-44th. Res. No. 4318 12/14/49 Lots 37 & 38- Permit to Virgil R, Iles, pur, LC Sole, owner, to attach exist gar to exist liv unit & conv bldg to duplex, making 4 units on prop, tne rear unit to be served by 8 1 access ct., at 3852 Highland Ave., R-4, condl. Case No. 1320 7/26/57 Lots 45-48, ZA DENIED CUP request of KIA VAN, YEN MY AND XUYEN NGO AND DAO HONG THAI, to permit the sale of beer and wine at an existing convenience store where such use requires a CUP, located at 4441 University Avenue, CL-2 Zone, Mid-City CollllDunity. C-2O721 3/22/91-----------------------------------------------------------