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Development Services

City Heights Annex #1 Block 6.5 Card 2

CITY HEIGHTS ANNEX #1 BLOCK 6.5 CARD 2.tif CITY HEIGHTS "'NNEX._#1 BLQCK 6..... CARD # 2 W. 301 of E~ 80 of Lots l-4- Permit t.o Ro1.inbow Vending & Distribution Co . (Val jean P. Ura:1 &: James G. Harr 1s) to maintain operation of' vending machine business, including various independent dealers working out of this location (See C-4105) where lim1 ted. retail businesses & off' ices are perm, at 4511 University Ave. betw 45tn St. & Chamoune Ave., Zone C, condl. 2 yr ext to exp 12/1/67-- 11/18/65 Case No. 6130 ll-19-63---------------------------------------------------------------------------~OVE Case No. 61.30- 2 yr ext to exp 12-1-69 (ll-29-67) '' 7 r...,, ~Y~ xp /~-.1- 7/ r.1-.;;?.1.L-'-9) Case No. 6130 ffil- (11-/"/-'71- Torcllt.) ll-29-67 II