City Heights Annex #1 Block 7 Card 1
CITY HEIGHTS ANNEX #1 BLOCK 7 CARD 1.tif- ~-.-."r'. -~-.;..........-..-.,:,,.- ~- CIT'f HEIGHTS ANNEX NO. 1 BLOCK 7 CARD fl!l S 8' Lot 6, all of 7, & N 8' of 8- Permit DENIED to Charles E & Jeanne E Parrish to conv exist gar to liv unit, 3769 Fairmount Ave. Res. No. 5874 9/19/51 Charles E. & Jeanne E. Parrish (ABOVE)- CC DENIED Z,C. decision. CC 104159 10/25/51 Lots 31 & 32- Permit to Florence c. Lowe & Dixie Thompson to operate real estate office, with one sign 15" x 12" in front window, 3730- 44th St, R-4, condl. Case No. 2444 4/17/59 Por Lots 18 & 22, all 20 & 21- Permit to Mildred A. Shadley to main 18' x 34' patio addn on lot with exist duplex; patio addn to be located on gr fir where res use must be located above gr fir, 3715 Fairmount Ave, Zone C, Cond'I C-13309 10-10-75 Lots 47 and 48- Permit GRANTED to SAINT MARKS EPISCOPAL CHURCH, a California Corporation, owner/pennittee, to construct and maintain an elderly housing project located at the south- west corner of Wightman Street and 44th Street, Zone R-3A. CUP 83-0290 5-26-83 12.