City Heights Annex #1 Block 8 Card 1
CITY HEIGHTS ANNEX #1 BLOCK 8 CARD 1.tif Card fl1 CITY HEIGHTS ANNEX NO. BLOCK 8 Lots 1-8- Permit to East San Diego Christian Chruch to erect educational bldg obs 5' setback (15' req) at 3789 44th St. R-4 Zone C-2568 6-12-59 Lots 39 & 40- Permit to The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc., A Calif. Corp, owner & East San Diego Christian Chruch, purch to develop par for parking lot for church located across alley on Lots 1-8 incl.; park to obs 12' distance from curb and 0 1 distance from p.1. on Highland Ave. where parking on same lot or premises is req & no parking within 18' of curb & in no case within front 3' of p.1. is perm, at 3762 Highland Ave. betw Landis St. & W~I Wightman St., Zone R94 condl C-6707 10-2-64 ABOVE APPEALED by Peter & May Christertsen- Appeal was GRANTED; Z.A. decision was overruled. 11-7-64 L';ts 1-8 & 39 & 40- Permit to East San Diego Christian Church to (7100) const new sanctuary with br~ezeway & arch projections obs 2 1 SB alg 44th St where 5 1 req & (7099) to develop 50 1 parcel acress the alley as parking lot for church (where parking is req to be on same lot) 3762 Highland Ave. betw Landis & Wightman Sts., Zone R-4, cond'l. C-7099 & 7100 5-17-65