City Heights Annex #2 Block 8 Card 1
CITY HEIGHTS ANNEX #2 BLOCK 8 CARD 1.tif Clff HEIGHTS ABEX f?. BLOCK 8 CARD# l Lota 35-36- (rear portion of lot)- Build a 3rd living unit, it 1a understood. same sabll be removed at expiration of 3 years from date. GRARTED to C.J. Kiel, 3546 Cnamoune Ave., Res. 71851 7-23-40-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZOllE mr.&~IRIBG ORDER-, pending nearing ot zoning, the Bldg Inspector is directed JIM to issue permits contrary to the terms of Zone "B". Res. 50399 6-10-29-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------s Lot 10 & all ll- Permit to Betty Stockman (a,k.a. Minnie D. Moffatt) to const sin fam res on rear of lot, making total of J 2 units 3555 45th St. Res. 6531 6-11-52 Lots 7 & 8- Permit to Selma E. Matthews, Loren o. Matthews, & Verne John Duncan, pur, to erect addn to non-cont res with 13' rear yd 3567 45th St. Res. 7333 4-15-53 Lot 9 & of Lot 10- Permit to Rose T. Clark to constr 2nd living unit on this parcel. S-273 1-31-55 Lot 11 & s of Lot 10- Permit to Earl Stockman to const 2nd living unit on this parcel. B-274 1-31-55--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------w J~o tof Lota 22-2h- Parmit,_tohWm.. D. & Josm;,nine Ve111c9 1 t9 co[UJt washroom & batbroom a.a.a.Tl,o e""t:,n.n tam Ns. Yule ODs approx r rear ya l 5 reqJ &: to constr t DI 22' x 2~' gar, at 4510 Myrtle Ave. R-2 c-2696 7-31-59