City Heights Annex #2 Block 8 Card 2
CITY HEIGHTS ANNEX #2 BLOCK 8 CARD 2.tif C liY HE'. IGHTS ANNEX!,llilT #2 BLOCK 8 CARD #2 Lots 27 & 28- ZA APPROVED request of ROBIN ROSS COOPER & RACHAEL A COOPER & PAUL H. MARTIN & BETTY~. MARTIN, owners; JAMES R, TURNER, JR., purchaser- to move-on a one bedroom house to a lot with an existing 3-bedroom house; roof overhang to observe 11611 south interior side yd where a min. 2 1 & 1 is reqd at 3512 Chamoune Ave., Zone R-3000 subj to cond. c-18785 5/lo/85 7