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Development Services

City Heights Block 104

CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 104.tif CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 104 W 100' of Lot 1, W 100' of N 15' of Lot 2 & the E 40' of Lots 1,2 & 3 DENIED permit to George E. McMullen to convert an exist gar on SE corner of Van Dyke &Myrtle Sts. into living qts with a 2' sideyd. Res No. 790 12/21/44 E 95' Lots 47 & 48- peZ'lllit to Frank L & Lavola E Edwards to const bedrm addn to exist res having non-conf rear yd of 8 1, 4283 Myrtle St. Res No. 6868 10-1-52 Lot 47 & 48, exc W. 45'- Permit to Frank L. & Lavola E. Edwards to const sin fam res, making total of 2 units on lot, said res to obs 10' SB on 43rd St., where 15' req, at 4283 Myrtle. Case No. 785 10-1-56-----------------------.------------------------------------------------------------------ Lots 47 & 48, exc W. 45'- Permit to Frank L. & Lavola E. Edwards to const a sin fam res making 2 units on lot, exist unit obs 8 1 rear yd, where 10' req, and 3 1 side yd, where 4 1 req; new res to obs req rear & side yds at 4283 Myrtle, Case No. 786 10-1-56------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 29 & 30- Permit to Walter O'Brian to main an exs bathrm and corridor which obs a 3' sd yd at 3322 43rd Street. Zone R-3. Condition. C-14119. 3-2-77,