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Development Services

City Heights Block 107

CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 107.tif CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 107.,,, of Lot 46-N 5' of the E 70' of Lot 44, the E 70' of Lot 45 & the S 5' of the E 70' permit to Merle Marie Lynch to build a 2' by 12' add to an exist gar at 3434 Marlborough Drive, only 50' from the front prop line. Res. 713 8/31/44 W 60 1 of Lots 1-4- permit to Chris A. & Celia C. Cosgrove to erect 2 sing fam res on this parcel, SE corner of 41st and Myrtle Sta. Res. 3013 4/7/48 W 6o' of Lots 1-4- Permit to Chris A. Cosgrove to erect a deuplex and garages on said prop. SE corner of Myrtle & 41st Sts. Res No. 3652 1/12/49 Lot 39 & S of Lot 40, Fred J. Markwith to move in sin fam dwell, and make 4 x 10.5 add. to same, ma.king 2 liv units on prop. S-211 4/1/54 Lot 41 & N of Lot 40, Glenn & Eloise Schneider to maintain 2 sin fam res on property.. S-212 4/1/54 Por Lots 44 thru 48- Permit to Leo & Guadalupe Lady to const res, making 2 units at 4133 Myrtle, with 44~ cover. (44% perm.) with l pk space, R-2. Case No. 1667 2/21/58 Portion_o: lots- 1heodo~e ~oseph & Elizabeth McCoy to construct a second-story family room add1t1on above an ex1st1ng detached bedroom with 3/4 bath. New stair to access second floor addition. (Lot improved with one, single-family dwelling and the detached bedroom with 3/4 bath.) located at 4121 Myrtle Avenue, Zoned MR-3000. A-4681 7/12/90 l~