City Heights Block 109 Card 01
CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 109 CARD 01.tif CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK I 09 Lots 38-40- Permit to Marcus A. & Connie M. Romero to with existing three units; Jot contains 10,500 sq. ft. Zone R-2. Conditions. C-14916. 5-3-78.-.... ~------ CARD #1 const a three bedrm, sfd on lot 3406, 3408 and 3414 Central Avenue. Lots 25, 26 and 27 (except the west 50 1)- Pennit was considered by ZA to DOROTHY M. LA RUE to construct a room extension and bay window to an existing single-family dwelling on lot with two units. Existing dwelling observes at the closest point a 7'-6" street side yard on Thorn Street. Extension to observe a 7 1-611 street side yard, and bay window to observe a S'-611 street side yard where JO' is required, located at 3004 Central Avenue, Zone R-2, (requests should read 8 1 street side yard, bay windows, 6' street side yard where 10 1 is required). DECISION: DENIED as requested, but APPROVED continuation of building, observing 8 1 street side yard where 10 1 is required (existing structure observes 8 1). Conditions. C-17998 4-22-83 Lots 32 to 35- Case TABLED because two of the three property owners will not sign the~ application; at 3332 Central Avenue; Map 1007, MR-3000 Zone. C-20398 11-27-89 {3o