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Development Services

City Heights Block 109 Card 02

CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 109 CARD 02.tif CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 109 ' CARD ff2 Lot 32- 35- ZA Al'PROV-AL of percdt/va.riance. tfp Vietnamese Buddist Congregation of the United States NHU Lai Meditation Temple to maintain, currently in violation (1) a medication temple on a premisedeveloped with an attached duplex where such use is permitted by Conditional Use Permit only (Lots 34 and 35); (2) a Sunday school and shrine associated with a temple conducted wi.thin a detached storage room on the premise adjacent to the south, where accessory uses must be located on the same premise as the primary use (Lots 32 and 33); (3) storage room observing a 0'-0" north side yard where 4'-0" is required for structures used as habitable area; (4) a 14 sq ft. wall identification sign on the temple where a maximum 1 sq. ft. nameplate is permitted; (5) to provide 8 existing parking spaces on site where 13 are required for the temple and duplex; (6) to maintain, currently in violation, a 13'-9" wide driveway accessing said spaces where a minimum 16'-0" wide driveway is required; (7) to install 5 parking spaces on the premise adjacent to the south where off-site is permitted by Conditional Use Permit only (l.ots 32-33); (9) to maintain fencing, currently in violation on Lots 32 and 33, as follows: a 4'-11" high open driveway gate within the 15'-0" required front yard and public right-of-way where a maximum 3'-0" open fence is permitted' and, a 4'-3" high cbmbination retaining wall/open fence with'in the driveway visibility area and public right-of-way where a maximum 3'-0" open fence is permitted; and (10) to maintain fencing, currently violation, on Lots 34.and 35 as follows: a maximum 6'-7" high open drivewav gate within the 15'-0" required front yard and public right-of-way where a maximum 31-0" high fence is permitted; and, a 4'-7" high combination retaining wall/open fence within the driveway visibility area and public right-of-way where a maximum 3'-0" high fence is permitted. DENIES (8) to maintain, currently in violation, an 8'-4" high entry way observing a 3'-0" front yard where 15'-0" is required (Lots 32 and 33)conditions. Located at 3340-3342 Central Avenue, zoned Rl-5000. C-21039 2-26-93 (3(