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Development Services

City Heights Block 110

CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 110.tif CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 110 Lot 35 & s 8.33' Lot 36- Permit to Henry & Gladis A. doss to bld as per R-2 usage with 33.33 frontage on 40th St, S-523 5-28-58 N 16.JJ& Lot Jb & S 16,33' of Lot 37- Permit to Robert J. & Sarah J. Schlicht to build as per R.-2 us-,ge with 33.33 1 on LiDth 3t. S-524 5-213-58 N 8.33' of ~ot 37 & all Lot 38- Permit to Esteban & Eva Estrada to bld as per R-2 usage with 33.33' on 40th St. S-525 5-28-58 Lots 33-34- Permit to llanuel & Lillie ma.king J units on parcel, exi5t gar to 3336 40th st. R-2 condl Belle::,t.eele to const c'