City Heights Block 115 Card 01
CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 115 CARD 01.tif CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 115 Lots 1-4- Permit to Mrs. Gardner DENIED to allow res & grocery store in R-2. 8-1-32 Lots 28 & 29- Permit DENIED to Michael & Dolly Finazzo to erect l unit addn to exist sing fam unit on rear of prop, making 3 units on lots, SW for Cherokee & Myrtle Ave. Res. 7074 1-7-53 Lot 20, exc s & all Lot 21- Permit to maintain sin fam res & canst 2nd liv unit to Wm. Ruden 37' on Cherokee St. S-564 10-17-58 Lot 19 & s Lot 20- Permit to Wm. Riggs to maintain sin fam res & construct 2nd liv unit with 37' on Cherokee S-565 10-17-58 Lot 19 & s 12' Lot 20- Permit to Wm. Riggs to canst sin fam res, total 2 units on lot, with 47.5% coverage (40% perm) at 3420 Cherokee St., ione R-2. C-2124 11-7-58 Lots 26 & 27- Permit Wm. C. & Maurine E. Casey, 3r. to canst living rm addn to exist sin fam. res, 45% coverage (40% perm) total 2 units on prop, 3448 Cherokee Ave., R-2. C-3905 3-3-61 t,r