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Development Services

City Heights Block 122 Card 02

CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 122 CARD 02.tif Lot 22 & N of Lot 23, Permit to Edwards & Marin (as above) to construct duplex or two sin fam units on this parcel, with 37 ft. on 38th St. Case 650 ll/19/59 ~ Lot 24- Permit to Marcia Dell Normandy to (1) maintain 209 sq. ft. of covered patio addn to exist sin fam dwell; exist dwell obs a 3' street side yard on Redwood St. and 3' int side yar and addn will obs a 3' street side yard and 3' int side yard where a 5' street side yard and a 4 1 int side yard are required (2) maintain 62 1 of 5' high fence obs O' street side yard where a max 3' high fence is perm in a 5' street side yard, at 3103-38th St. betw Redwood St and Thord St., Zone R-2 C-12959 1-13-75