City Heights Block 127 Card 01
CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 127 CARD 01.tif CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 127 S 15' Lot 4 & all Lot 5- Permit DENIED to A. F. Lutes to oper auto repair in gar at rear of res at 3231 Marlborough St., part time, approx 4 hrs. per day. Res. No. 1603 7/5/46 S 15' Lot 4 & all Lot 5- City Council overruled decision of ZC on Res No. 1603 ABOVE to A. F. Lutes. condl permit to oper auto repair in gar at rear of res at 3231 Marlborough Ave. on part time basis. CC 83715 7/23/46 Lots 10 & 11 & N 15' Lot 12- Permit to Walter G & Vandy L. Bartzat to re- divide into 2 bldg sites & canst 2 units on Lot 10 & N 10 1 Lot 11, const 2 units on S 15 1 Lot 11 & N 15' Lot 12, Marlborough Ave. R-2. Res No. 8422 8/18/54 Por Lots 2 to 4 & all Lot 5- condl permit to Arnold E & Leila Lutes to const a sin fam res on parcel not having full st frontage on dedicated st at 3211 Marlborough Ave., R-2. Case No. 1492 11/1/57 Lots 2-4 & all of 5- AGREEMENT 1957 to Arnold F. & Leila Lutes to const a sin fam res making a total of two liv units on a parcel not having full frontage on a dedicated st. Case No. 1492 11/1/57 Lots 25 & 26- Permit APPROVED by ZA to Edward L. SANDERS, owner; & Lloyd Nealy, Palm Homes, Inc, Party- To construct a 2-story duplex with a detached garage to observe an 8 1 street side yard on Redwood Street where 10' is required, at 3106 42nd Street, Zone R-2. Condition. CASE NO. 16389 NH 10-5-79