City Heights Block 129
CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 129.tif CI'l'f HEIGH'l'S BLOCK 129-Lots 3-4- to Dennis & Dorothy Mccorry, owners, and Town House Foundation, Inc. to constr ~ operate a board and care facility on the east side of Van Dyke Ave, betw Thorn St and Lexington Ave. Zone R-4. 360-PC 12-21-72 Lots 5,6 & 7- Permit to erect ret wall ranging in ht from 0 1 to 71, obs 3' front yd were a max ht of' 3' is perm, & to elim req landscaping on lexington Ave where 15' is req, at 3202 thru 3227 Van Dyke Ave Zone R-3 c2 .-dd - g- 77 c- 13703 6-17-76-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------