City Heights Block 137
CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 137.tif CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 137-Lots 45 & 46- Permit to John W. & Betty F. Wallace to const sin fam res on Ely 90' of above lots, W side of Central Ave., appros 50' S of Redwood. Res#5794 8-22-51---------------------------------------------------------------------------~ Lots 47-48- Permit to Edward M. & Evelyn Richeson to const a sin fam res orJ the Ely 90', onthe SW cor of Central & Redwood Sts.-~ fL/f/fio________________________ Res#8915____________ 5-ll-55______ Lots 29 & 30- Permit to Francis A. & Diana Trovato for perm to maintain 12' x 15'-2" covered entryway to garage obs O' front yard where 15' is req (4" projects into public right-of-way- this portion to be removed) at 3020 Central Avenue between Quinee and Redwood Streets, j.Pne R-2- Cond'l. C-12,384 1-22-74