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Development Services

City Heights Block 14

CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 14.tif CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 14- Lots 33 & 34- permit to Victor & Katherine Lupini to conv exist gar to liv quar, in addn to exist duplex1 making 3 liv units, W side Vancouver St. Res No. b204 2/20/52 Lots 33 & 34- permit to Victor & Katherine Lupini to conv exist gar to li~ quar & add 12 1x20' addn, (amending Res. 6204 ABOVE). Res #6359 4/2/52 Lots 33, 34 & 35- permit to Victor & K Lupini to const duplex, making 5 liv units on par, & const 3 car gar with O' side yd1 wall to be masonry; Wly side Vancouver betw Redwd & Quince Res No. 1723 9/16/53 Lots 1, 2 & 3 exc W 60 1- permit to K. Lupini to const sing fam res, making 2 units, with 2 park sps, on S side Redwd betw Nile & Vancouver Res No. 8598 11/10/54-------------------------------------- Lots 1, 2 & 3 exc W 60'- permit to Fred B & Ruth Young to const sing fam res & 2 gar, making 2 units on lot, S side Redwd betw Nile & Vancouver, R-2. Res No. 9164 9/14/55 Lots 1, 2 & 3 exc W 60'- permit to Fred B. & Ruth Young to const gar having 0 1 side & rear yds, S side Redwd betw Nile & Vancouver. Res 9165 9/14/55 Per Lots 1-4- Permit to Peter & Barbara Latendresse to convert gar to dwel unit on same lot w/ exist sin fam dwel, 12' x 20' playrm add to obs 5' rear yd where 15' is req, 8 1 611 x 18' kitchen add to obs 3' bet units where 6 1 is req at 3095 Nile St, Zone R-2 DENIED C-13956 11-16-76--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------