City Heights Block 143 Card 01
CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 143 CARD 01.tif- ""'"T."----~ ~.------ . lffi 1!'117 ~..------..,,. ~~,:~--- d iTY HEIGHTS BLOCK 143 Lot 71 & S 15' of Lot 72- Permit to Wesley & fam res or one duplex on this parcel with 4-0' S-510 (";.."./ #/ Jessie Ettridl to. bld 2 sin frontage on 39th St. 3/10/58 N 101 Lot 72 & all Lot 73, Permit to above to build 2 sin f9m units or one duplex with 35' frontage on 39th St. S-511 3/10/58 Lot 4, Nt Lot 5- Permit to Empire Mortgage & Loan Co., Inc. to maintain exi~ sin fam res and full R-2 usage in the future, 37 ft. on 38th St. S-576 3/2/59 st Lot 5, all Lot 6, N Lot 7- Permit to Elsie Richardson to move in sin fam res & full R-2 usage in the future, 50' on 38th St. S-577 3/2/59 S Lot?, all Lots 8,9,10- Permit to Elsie Richardson to maintain sin fam res & full R-2 usage in future. 87 ft. on 38th St. S-578 3/2/59 Lots 57 & 58- Permit to Isabel Bedford Hardie to move in sin fam res, making 3 units on lots, all yd req compled with, 2880- 39th St, R-2 Zone. Case 2334 3/9/59 Lots 19 thru 21- Permit to Clifford W. &. Irene W. Nemard, purch, & Isabel Bedford, owner to move sing fam res on parcel with no frnt on dedicated st, access thru unpaved alley, 38th St. betw Seattle & Quince St, R-2, condl. Case 3492 8/5/60