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Development Services

City Heights Block 143 Card 02

CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 143 CARD 02.tif CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 143- Card #2 Lots 11-15- Permit to Don C. & Carolyn E. Jorgensen to const two duplexes on lots: (I) const four units on lot containing 10,025 sq. ft.; (2) obs 5' front yard on 1-805; (3) access to parking across Lot 11; (4) four parking spaces obs 5' front yard (total of six spaces provided); and (5) provide approx 925 sq. ft. of landscaping adjacent to 1-805. 2921 38th Street. Zone R-2. Conditions. C-14888. 2-1-78.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 67-70- ZA APPROVED CUP request of NEW BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH, to (1) expand an existing, nonconforming church, where such an expansion is permitted by CUP only; (2) said expansion to result in structure 39' in height where a max. 7'-2" is permitted; and (3) expansion to obs. a min. 7'-2" front yard where 15 1 is required, located at 2954 39th Street, south of Quince Street, Rl-5000 Zone. Conditions. C-20969 8/14/92 ho I