City Heights Block 144 Card 01
CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 144 CARD 01.tif CI'l'Y HEIGHTS BLOCK 144- ~~, Lot 25 & N Lot 24- Permit to Mary H. Maurer to build as ner R-2 usage with 37' frontage on 40th St. S-589 4/23/5'9 Lot 23 & st Lot 24- Permit to Mary J. Maurer to build as ner R-2 usage with 37' frontage on 4oth St. S-590 4/23/59 Lot 25 & Nly Lot 24- Permit DENIED to Mr. & Mrs. Gordon w. Ellis to conver an exist gar to a sing fam res & canst. a 3-car carport on premises with exist duplex result in 3 dwellings on 5,250 sq. ft. lot where mac or 2 dwells is perm, at 2968-70- 40th St. at the SW cor where it intersects Quince St.,____ R-2 Zone. ~??M' 2 J_ 11_1 f-?& Case No. 7524 1/7/66 Lots II and 12- AGREEMENT to ROBERTO AND ALICIA CARRANZA to move-on an additional single- family dwelling (converted from a duplex) on a lot with an existing single-family dwelling, at 2929-39th Street, Zone R-2. AGREEMENT #2724 11-9-81 Lots 1 and 2- ZA APPROVED Fence Variance request of EDDIE WOOTEN to maintain 30ft. of solid wood fencing ranging in height from 4' to 6' within the alley and driveway visibility areas where 3' is the max. permitted (currently in violation), located at 2965 39th Street, Rl-5000 Zone. Conditions. C-20857 10/30/91 NH