City Heights Block 15 Card 01
CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 15 CARD 01.tif ClTY HEIGHTS. BLOCK 15 Lots 1 & 2- Permit to M. Zlotoff to const 6 stall with no sideyd at south end, SE cor of Nile & Res. 2829 1/28/48 rriv g <?r at Thorne Sts. CARD NO. 1 rear of lots Lots 3 & 4- Permit to Isabel Schwartz to conv exist gar-stge rm to gar-rumpus rm, l '6" sideyd, 3237 Nile St. Res No. 3731 3/9/49 Lots 47 & 48- Permit to Morty & Millie Zlotoff to const 2dup. & 20'x50' gar on 2 lots as one p9rcel, SW cor Thorn & Vancouver. Res No. 6371 4/16/52 Lots 47 & 48- Permit to Morty & Millie Zlotoff ABOVE extended for 6 mos. Res. No. 6950 10/29/52 Lots 47 & 48- FINAL EXT. to Morty & Millie Zlotoff to Res. 6950 ABOVE Res. No. 7342 4/15/53----------- - Lots 47 & 48- Permit to Joe & Ellen Strum to canst fam res & duplex crossing lot line SW cor Thorn & Vancouver, making 3 units. Res No. 8033 2/17/64 Lot 11 & N 18 1 Lot 12- Permit to Maio, Augustone & Mary Anna to const duplex or 2 sin fam res S 207 3/25/54-~-'-----''-------------- Lots 13 & S 7 1 Lot:Q.,- Permit to Alfonso L. & Antoinette E. Pennelas to const duplex or 2 sin fam res. S 208 3/25/54 Lots 11 & 12- Permit to Mr. & Mrs. Maio to relocate 1 story gar on same lots HM Res 1905 5/11/54