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City Heights Block 15 Card 02

CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 15 CARD 02.tif ctn HEIGHTS BLOCK 15' CARD /12 Lots 3 & 4- Permit DENIED to Jack L. Schwartz to add kchn & bath to bldg with lt6" sideyd & conv to liv unit, making 4 units, 3 to be served by 9'3" access___ c::t, R-1+, 3237 Nile St. Case No. 1420 9/13/57 Lots 3 & 4- Considered applica. of Jack L. Schwartz to add kchn to exist sing fam res & conv. to duplex, making a total of 2 duplexes (4 units) on parcel, rear duplex being served by a 9'3" access ct, where 10 1 is req & add b"th to exist gar & recre"tion rm which obs 1'6" sideyd on Sly side, where 3' sideyd is req; addns to obs all yd req, at 3237 Nile St., Zone R-4--APPROVED said kitchen addn but DENIED the requested addn to rec. rm of a full bath; however, an addn to said rec. rm is APPROVED for part-bath, to consist of toilet & lavatory, subj. to cond's. Case No. 4808 4/6/62 6 MONTHS EXT. TO EXPIRE 4/6/63 Lots 1 & 2- Z.A. consid. app of Sunset International Petro. Corp., own. & Sommers & Poutous, lessee, (Case No. 5590) to erect & maintain for a nerlod no1 to exceed 1 yr., one 3' x 5' dbl-faced, directional sign advert homes in new subd (Wabash Mesa), where signs advert, perm R-4 use are oerm; and (Case 5591) sign to obs 5' SB, where aver SB of the blk of 20 1 is req, at SE cor Nile & Thorne Sts, R-4 Zone and has DENIED the 3' x 5' sign, but APPROVED a 2 1 x 3' signi cond'l. Cases 5590 & 5591 4/29/63__ MONTHS EXT. TO EXPIRE 5/1/64 Lots 41 & 42- DENIED req of Kurt & Doris Urbaschek, owners, to const liv unit over det 572 sq ft gar on parcel w/exist sing fam res, exist gar obs 0' SY and liv unit above to obs O' SY where 3' is req, at 3222 Vancouver Ave betw Thorne & Redwd Sts, R-2 Zone. (0-C::.4'S'C. ys-.2,- \