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Development Services

City Heights Block 18

CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 18.tif CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 18 Lot 18 (Sly 10 1) & all of 19 & 20- DENIED permit to J.A. Williams to alter exist gar and make addn thereto, in order to create a 3rd living unit, 3619 Nile St. Res No. 594 4/27/41+ Lots 15 & 16- Permit to Paul J. Hartley to move sing fam, stucco res from 1832 Grim St. to 3635 Nile St. HM Res 775 6/20/50 W 43 1 Lots 47 & 48 & W 43 1 of N 3 1 of l+6- Permit DENIED to Marie G. Hamilton to erect 8 1 solid wood fence getw res & side lot line & alg rear prop line, 3425 Landis St. Res No. 7843 10/28/53 Lots 37 & 38- Permit to Reagan Ratliff to move bldg from 2805 F St. to 3652 Wabash Ave. HM #2410 10/4/56 Lots 31-32- Permit to B. Q. Elms to move res from 4152 Cleveland to 3624 Wabash. HM #3096 2/17/59 qf Lots 25-35- Permit to Frank & Virginia Berend to constr a duplex obs 5' front yard where 15' ls req, on Dwight St betw Boundary St & Vancouver Ave, R-2 Zone..._ C-1O242 1-20-71---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------