City Heights Block 186
CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 186.tif CITY HRIGllTS BLOCK 186 E 50' Lots 1 thru 4- Permit to Lula B. Norfleet to erect sin fam res, making 2 units on prop, at 3467 Landis St. R-2. Res No. 8586 11/10/54 W 90 1 of Lots 1 thru 4- Permit to Gladys E Bradley to move in 2 res. on lot split after zoning (prior to 12/5/5'1+) SE cor Swift & Landis, R-2, condl. Case No. 2010 8/22/58 Lot W 90' of Lots 1-4 Gla~ys E. Bradley SW cor of Swift Ave. & Landis St., Zone R-2 to move in two sin fam res on said parcel, split after zoning but prior to 12/5/54. AGREEMENT #998 Case No. 2010 8/22/58