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Development Services

City Heights Block 187 Card 01

CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 187 CARD 01.tif CITY' HEIGHTS BLOCK 187 CARD Ill ~ Lots 23-24- Permit to Zelma Locker to remodel a store into liv qts., 31" side yard,5~ lot coverage at 3703 Boundary Zone R-2. Res 64384 5-12-36 Lots 13-14- Permit DENIED to Harley Betcnel to convert exist gar at 3745 Boundary St. into liv qts witn l' side yard, making 3rd unit on property. Res 387 8-26-43 Lots 37-41- Permit to Azure Coast Investment Co. to constr a seven-unit apartment bldg obs 12' rear yard wnere 15' is req and 9' front yard wnere 10' is req; to provide 10 parking spaces, three to obs 8 1 front yard wnere 10' is req and three to be located on Lot 41 where parking must be located on same lot as permitted use, on the west side of Nile St betw North Park Way and Landis St. Zone R-4. Cond'l. c-11526 10-13-72 03773-77 Boundary Street North, Lots 5 & 6- Permit APPROVED by ZA to THOMAS J. ROBERT A. AND MILDRED KEGEL to construct a three-story, nine-unit condominium: observing 4 1 interior side yard and 15' rear yard where 7' and 18' respectively required, at 3775 Boundary Street, Zone R-3A. Conditions. C-17070 NH 1-22-81 CARROL, (1) are Lots 7 & 8- Permit APPROVED by ZA to HEIM PROPERTIES, LTD., A California Limited Partner- ship, to construct a three-story, nine-unit condomium (1) observing 4 1 interior side yard and (2) 15' rear yard where 7' and 18' respectively are required, at 3765 Boundary Street, Zone R-3A. Conditions. C-17071 NH 1-22-81