City Heights Block 187 Card 02
CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 187 CARD 02.tif CITY HEIGHTS Block 187 Lots 17 & 18- Permit DENIED by ZA to VAN B. DAWSON on lot with 4 exis;ing apartment buildings; garages required, at 3725-31 Boundary Street, Zone R-3000. CARD 112 to construct 4 single-car garages to obs. 2' rear yard where 4' is C-18369 3-23-84 Lots 17 & 18- ZA considered the request of VAN B. DAWSON- to constr. six garages on rear portion of lot observing a 3' north interior side yard where 4 1 is reqd & a 0' south interior side yd where 4 1 is reqd at 3725-27-29-31 Boundary St.,. Zone R-3000; & DENIED as requested, but APPROVED for a garage building, the dimensions of which shall be 30' in width x 16' in depth observing a 0 1 611 rear yd., a 0 1 south interior side yd., an 18' north interior side yd. & a 6 1 separation from the rear of the existing residential bldg., as parking for compact cars within the garage, & also providing 2 9' x 22' park- ing spaces northerly of the approved garage structure, subj. to conds. C-18890 8/9/85------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------