City Heights Block 188 Card 02
CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 188 CARD 02.tif CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 188 CARD #2 tit Lot 20 & S 15' Lot 19, Permit to Ray J. and Helen H. Lee to build as P,e!.1l}itted in R-2 Zone S-333 11717/55 Lot 18 & N 10' Lot 19- Permit to Ralph D & Ann Emerson to build as permitted in R-2 Zone. S-334 11/17/55 Lot 20 & S 15' of 19- Permit to Ray J. Lee to const. res, making 3 units at 3719-2l Nile St., R-2. Case No. 1171 5/13/~7 S 10' of Lot 11 & all of Lot 12- condl permit to Mrs. Dolly Finazzo to const 2-unit apt. building, making total of 3 living units on the property, the proposed new units to be served by 8 1 access ct. (10' req), at 3751 Nile St., R-4. Case #1784 4/16/58 Por Lot 3, all Lots 4-5- Permit to Revival Pentecostal Tabernacle to const add to church exist on agj parcel, new add to obs 5' SB on Nile, & Lots 1, 2 & part of 3 to be used as pkg lot for church, 3777 Nile St, R-4 zone, condl. Case 2784 9/4/59 6 MONTHS EXT. TO EXPIRE 9-15-6o 2-19-60 Lot 5, 6, 7, & the N 10' of 8- Revival Pentecostal Tabernacle of S.D.- const a church on the above mentioned property with 110' SB on Nile St. AGREEMENT #815 10/1/54