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City Heights Block 189 Card 02

CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 189 CARD 02.tif CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 189 CARD #2-~t 16- Permit ta George M. & Jeanette G. Amancio to canstr 4-unit apart bldg. (I) obs at closest point 11 '-9" frt yd on Swift Ave; 12) 2nd story ramp abs approx. 10' frl yd on Swift Ave where 15' is req, (3) to erect 70' of retain wall ranging in ht from 6 1 to 9' with 3' chain I ink fence on top thereof obs at closest point O' frt yd on Swift Ave where max 3' hi wall is perm in the req 15' frt yd, (4) ta instal 1 parking obs at closest point O' frt yd on Wabash Ave where 15' is req & (5) to eliminate req landscaping in 15' req frt yd on Waeash, aax at 3700 Block of Swift Ave, Zone R-3A, COND'L c-13,681--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 7, 8, & 9- Permit RAY L. HUFFMAN CONSTRUCTION CO. to constr 12 unit, 3-story apt bldg obs 5' inter side yd where 7' is req, at 3766 Swift Ave., Zone R-3A. C-13695 11-16-76 Lot 12 & 13'0- ZA APPROVED request of THOMAS C. EADS, WILLIAM G. MOISES, PATRICIA MOISES & ALKIVIADIS VASSILIADIS & CAROL VASSILIADIS to construct a 3-story apartment complex with basement floor consisting of suberranean parking garages on Lots 12 & 13 with access to reqd. parking across 20' access easement across adjacent Lots 10 & 11 at 3746 Swift Avenue, Zone R-600, cond. (*excepting the Sly 4 1 of Lot 13) C-18624 11/16/84 l1t