City Heights Block 196 Card 03
CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 196 CARD 03.tif CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 196 CARD 13 Lots i2-23- permit to Alfred M. Lewis Co. to const. cash & carry wholesale grocery (& W 20' Wabash Ave) at Wabash Ave. betw Univ. & Lincoln, c, condl. Case 2381 3/20/,9 Lot 11- permit toC. T. McKeehan & E. Earl Allen to use lot as nkg lot in connection office & stores at NW cor 33rd & Univ., on 33rd St. R-4, condl. Case 2760. 8/21/5'9 Por Lot 1 & 2- to Edith M. Long to conduct dressmaking timeL no emp1 no sign for 5' yrs. Case 33;8 EXTE~SION FOH 5 YRS. TO EXPIRE 6-8-70 (!__ ~,.3,5,Y-_p,/t.:t, fu ~ (o-8- 7S 'l-(G,-5-70) c!-~'?}5'!-,-~-'?~-71.q ~- & furrier shop, nart 6/8/60 6/3/65' Lots 5,6 & por. &- Permit granted to establish & maintain a senior-citizen a senior citizen housing project, located on the east side of 33rd St., between Lincoln & University Avenues, Zone R-600. CUP #83-0916 PC 5/3/84