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Development Services

City Heights Block 198 Card 01

CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 198 CARD 01.tif CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 198 ~ 0..o.J\..d *I Lots 11 to 14- Condl permit to Edmund L, & Mayme Walgraeve to convert portion of existing garage building at 4049-34tn St, into dwelling with no sideyard. Res. No. 534 2/24/44 SEE AGREEMENT #275 Lots 11-14- extension of time to Edmund L, & Mayme Walgreave on ABOVE resolution No. 534, at 4049- 34th St, Res. No. 2320 6/19/47 Lots 25-28, W 35' of E 78'- Classification of Use, limited tool & small equip rental at 3438 Univ. Ave., C Zone- condl. cCJi,160513 5/19/60 Lots 11, 12, 13 & 14- AGREEMENT {f2.T5 to Edmund L. Walgraeve and Mayme Walgraeve to conv por of exist gar bldg on prop into dwell with no side yd. Res No. 534 2/28J44 Lot 30 and 51 of Lot 29- The Z.A. has considered the req, as amended of James A. & Josephine G, Cooper for perm torconstruct an 8 1 x 16 1 l.iving room diix extension to exist res on l.ot with two other residences- (l) addn to be loc on ground floor, where indential use must be loc above ground fl.oor; (2) addn to obs a 3' interior sideyrd, whare 4 1 is req; (3) to resul.t in 46.51, lot coverage, where 40'1, is perm; (Ji.} to observe a distance of 3'7" betwn living units, where 6 1 is req; at 4024 Swift Ave betwn Polle and Univ Avenues, in the C Zone and has made the follodng decisions: (l) APPROVED (g) APPROVED (3) APPROVED tkPDD (4) DENIED, C-J.2,l.84 9-14-73-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \t{