City Heights Block 2 Card 01
CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 2 CARD 01.tif CARD# 1 CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 2 Ely 44 1 of Wly 97' of Lots 45-48- Permit to A. W. iann to construct a duplex on said parcel subj to SB req, Dwight St., Wly of Nile St. Res. 2844 2-11-48 Wly 40' Lotv 25-26- Frank Koudelka DENIED permit to add kitchen & bath to exist sing fam res () 1 rear yd 3,~28 Myrtle St. Res. 3756 3-23-49 Lots 25-26- Permit to Frank & Florence Koudelka to move one-fam, frame res & relocate on same lots, located approx at 3428 1'iyrtle St. HM Res. 449 3-28-49 Ely 42 1 of Wly 97' Lots 45-48- Permit to Alfred & Margaret Schmidt to erect duplex S side Dwight St., 43 1 W of Nile Res. 6561 6-25-52 Lots 8 & por Lot 9- Permit to Vern w. Daw to move frame gar from 1751 India St. to 3565 Bo Boundary St. appr. HM Res. 1608 3-10-53 Lots 23-24 & st clsd adj- Permit to Crispin E.S. & Harciz~ Andrade to enlarge floor space of non-conf market by conv living quarto market area & providing off-st park, at 3509 ~ Boundary, R-2 condl C-723 8-24-56 Lots 2G..2l- Permit to R. E. Henderson to move res from 2828 F st. to 3517 Boundary St. HM 2519 2-lb-57 Lots 23-24 & st clsd adj- Permit to Crispin Z.S. & Narciza 4ndrade Afv;ENDED to permit an addn to be 19 1 x 24' at 3509 Boundary C-7~3 3-26~57_,._.