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Development Services

City Heights Block 20

CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 20.tif CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK.20 Lots 31 & 32- Permit to Stanley Chiechi to const a 3rd liv uniti 3~28 Hallet Street. Res. No. 1894 11/2 /1+6 Lots 25 thru 28- Permit to Harlan B & Bette A. Browning & Kenneth G & Louis P. Cumberledge to rediv 4 lots into 3, & erect duplex on ea, NW cor of Haller & Redwood Sts. (& sts. clsd adj) (cond'l on SB) Res 8526 10/13/54 Lots 25 thrU 28, Res 8526 amended, Harlan B. & Bette A. Browning; Kenneth C. & Lois P. Cumberledge; and Larry & Viola Iannus to redivide 4 lots into 3 parcel1 erect duplex on each parcel, & st. clsd adj, on condt average SB on Haller St. and 7' SB on Redwd St. be observed. Res. 8682 12/22/54 Lots 25- 28- Permit to Kenneth C. & Lois P. Cumberledge to move on single family res encro 13' in req 15' SB adj to future Interstate Freeway No. 805; on Por Lots 25-28, in the 3500 Elk of Redwd St. betw Vancouver and Haller Sts, Zone R-2, cond 11. SAME AS CASE A-ll+47 9,&~e 7831 8/30/66