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Development Services

City Heights Block 34 Card 01

CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 34 CARD 01.tif-- cm 'liEimrrs CARD# I IDts 21 to 24 (Wly 50 1)- permit to Estate of!Duis Pollack (deceased) to alter rear por. of store bldg on NE cor of Wilson & University & Wilson Avenues into liv qts 25' from property line, but store bldg built to the property line, Res 5o6 l/l3L44 (W 50') , University Ave. t 50' of Lots 21-24 t rear of 3554" Ave. 1 IDts 21... to 4, inc.- permit to Wilb~,, son to move fe~ehouse l6'x24~o-m 3286. es. 427 2 /49-,.. Lots 33 & 34- permit to Fred & Dorothy Wetherbee to conduct print shop, 4038- 36th St. cond'l, R-4. Res No. 6492 5/28/52 Lots 33 & 34- Permit to Fred & Dorothy Wetheraee to continue oper of print shop, granted on Res. 6492 ABOVE, for 2 yrs. Res No. 8329 7/7/54 Lots 33 & 34- l yr. ext to Res. 8329 ABOVE to Fred & Dorothy Wetherbee to continue oper of print shop, cond'l Case No. 611 6/28/56 Ext, to 6/17/57; ext to 6/30/59; ext to (2 yrs'. expire 6/30/61; ext. to 6/30/63; ext to 6/9/65; ext to 6/30/67. Lots 19 & 20- Permit to Skill Craft Printing to move bldg from 1984 Sunset Cliffs Blvd. to 4ol7 Wilson Ave. HM 2367 7/20/56 Lots 33 & 34, Block 34- 2 yr. ext granted to Fred Wehterbee (A.BOVE) to conduct print shop at 4034- 36th Street- cond'l Case No. 611 6/19/67 Lots 3~ &34- Extension of time, to Mr. Fred Wetherbee, Case 611 above to const. print shop, granted in Res. 8329 & 6492. Case No. 611 5/15/69 c,::;:et;..,:,,,,, L u/4,) 1, .1 o 1 j-~ 1eu.,,. r 3 ~?..., r- '1.i..{s--z K-7, J 1 (i.,-~o-1~--rw BJ,t.) ~