City Heights Block 36 Card 02
CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 36 CARD 02.tif CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 36- Card #2 Lots 31 thru 44 & Lot 45- Z Z.A. considered appl of Pacific Telephone & Telegrapg Co. to constr addn to telephone equip bldg with exist deficient 9'6" front yd, 10' rear yd & 60.5'1, lot coverage; addn to obs 9'6" front yd where 15' is req, 10' rear yd where 15' is req, and lot coverage of 76.3'1, where 5CJfo is perm on 1mts 31 thru 40 with off-street parking facillties provided for 50 vehicles on the parcel and adjoining lots 41 thru 44 and South of Lot 45, for a max of approx 146 employees on the premises at one time at 4042 37th St. betw University & Polk Avens, Zone R-4 and has APPROVED the request except for the pro- vision of 50 parking spaces which was DENIED but APPROVED to provide 75 spaces, condl C-9170 3-20-69 Lot 29 tnrougll por Lot.\5- Pel'llit to fllc~lc ~l 'r.l (Lota 31-por li5) ud George Vannrbera (Lota 29 & 30) to coutr "' v14e, two-etory ufn to ulat non-contona telepllone bldg 011 Lot 31-~l (c-1158); adclD to be on pc,r of Lot 31 1D tbe--~ Zone an4 on Lota 29 30 ill tbe e aone, aa4 to oba: (l) 9'6" front yd vbere 15' le req; (2) 10' rear yt Vbere 15' le req; (3) 51 cov were~ le pera; (~) la 12,000 aq. ft. additloul blllg 1D tbe R-4 Zone ua prov141Dg 6 addltloaal pvklDg epaca {total aa. epacee) vtaere).05 apacee are req. Additional parking vlll be prov1c1ed u req; at it042-37tb St. betv Ulllveraity Aveud Polk Ave, ~~-~='-~-~~;~t--------------------------~-----------~=~~~~----------~=~~=~-------~.