City Heights Block 42 Card 01
CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 42 CARD 01.tif CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 42 CARD# J Lots 31-34- permit to C.B. Smith & Guapanty Chevrolet Co. to build 8 1 fence around prop & use it as auto parking lot. Res. 1072-3-5 8/20/1+5 Lots 31-34 inc.- Permit to C.B. Smith and Guaranty Chev. Co. to const a 20'x90' stl building at the rear, 4o22 Marlborough Ave., to be used for tune-up & polish rack. Res No. 1599 6/20/46 Lots 31-34 inc.- permit to C.B. Smith, own, and Guaranty Chev. Co. 1 1essee, to erect steel bldg with no sideyd, for tune-up & polish shed, COND TIONAL, 4o22 Marlborough Ave. RES. NO. 2821 1/28/1+8 Lots 31-34- condl perm to Guaranty Chev to build 70 1x90 1 add to exist bldgs coverage 86%, 10 1 rear yd, 4141+ Univ. Ave. Res. No. 4339 12/14/1+9 Lots 35-36- permit IENIED to Guaranty Chev to const 30 1xl20 1 bldg 10' rearyd 4o41+ Marlborough Ave. Res No. 4339 12/14/49 Lots 35-36- appeal filed on res. no. 4339 ABOVE sust3ined & condl permit granted. Res No. 96518 1/17/50 Lots 31-34- appeal filed in condition contained in Res. No. 4339 ABOVE, sustained, and permit granted to main. exist hedge & fence. Res No. 96~18 1/17/50 Lots 9 & 10- pe~~it ti_Edward D. i_ynch to move sing fam frm res & relocate on same lots at '+063- ~1st st. HM Res 720 4/18/50 Lots 39 & 4o- permit to Guaranty Chev to move 2 one-story 4o21 41st to 4o6o Marlborough. HM Res. 1980-82 incl. res. &_,gar from 7 /28/5'+ ~ ~\