City Heights Block 42 Card 02
CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 42 CARD 02.tif CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 42 CARD #2 Lots 35 & 36- Permit to Guaranty Chevrolet Co. to oper new car service, upholstery repairs & wash rack in exist bldg at 4144 Univ Ave, no steam cleaning. Res No. 8461 9/15/54 Lots 37 thru 44- Permit to Kinrok Corp. & Edwin K & Mary W. Myers, owners, & Guaranty Chevrolet, lessee, to use lots as storage yard for new cars in connection with adj Chevrolet dealership, on Marlborough Ave. betw Univ. & Polk, Zone R-4, (but denied storage yd for~ cars) cond'l Case 2605 6/26/59