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Development Services

City Heights Block 45 Card 01

CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 45 CARD 01.tif CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 45 CARD /fl Lots 39 & 40- permit to May J. Sheedy to convert one unit of an exist five unit gar at 4058-43rd St. into liv qts lrm & bath) with no sideyd on N. for exist gar. Res 711 8/31/44 Lots 17 & 18- permit to Nellie B. Smith, owner, and Bert Hoy, lessee, to operate an Auto a.nd Parks Storage Tard for a period of 6 mos., no wrecking, at 4025-29 Van Dyke Ave. Res No. 2293 6/5/47 Lots 17 & 18- permit to Nellie B. Smith, owner, and Leroy Massey, lessee, to operate an auto stg yard on said lots, no wrecking, 4025-29 Van Dyke Ave. condl. Res. 3309 7/28/48 Lots 17 & 18- Permits to Louie Doris Jorgensen to erect gar at rear of res for home serv. and repair of household appliances on 4021 Van Dyke, condl. Res. 6869 10/1/52 Lots 4,,,6- Permit to A. J. Mogavero to relocate on same lot a frame and stucco gar, and attach same to now exist res located at 4079 Van Dyke St. BM Res. 1857 2/11/54 Lots 13 thru 16- permit to Charles S. May to move 11' x 13' x 12' storage bldg to this prop at 4045 Van Dyke Ave, condl Res No. 8o69 3/17/54 Lots 13,14,15 & 16- permit to Chas. S. May to move ll'xl3' 1-room structure and convert into storage use for Van Dyke Nursery (Zone Variance 8o69) from 4049 Newton Ave. to 4045 Van Dyke BM Res. 1894 4/7/54 Lots 17 & 18- condl permit to Louie & Doris R. Jorgensen to homj serv. & repair of household appliances, 4025 Van Dyke Res 8226 5/26/54 erect gar at rear of res for Ext of res. 6869 ABOVE.