City Heights Block 47 Card 01
CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 47 CARD 01.tif CARD #1 ClTY HEIGHTS Block 47, Lots 13-14 BLOCK 47 3841- 43rd St. 300' S-Univ.- Res. 67958 7/26/38 Expires 7/26/40 Operate a Store for second-hand goods in Zone R-4. Permit to Ralph L. Baskerville, for a period of 2 yrs. from date. Block 47, Lots 15-16- Plumbing shop and storage Yard, at 3837- 43rd St., Granted to Arnold H. Rodieck Res.71853 7/23/40 Lots 9-10- Poultry business (including slaughtering) in Zone C (3859-43rd) DENIED, Emma Griffith. Res.68542 11/22/38 Lots 25 & 26 (Ely 43 ft.)- DENIED permit to W. Drain to build porch addn to res. at 3804 Fairmount Ave. exist res attached to a 9 ft. wide gar., 2 ft. from rear lot line & 2 ft. from side lot line, res. 11 ft. from rear lot line & porch add to be 2 ft. from side lot line. Res No. 606 5/11/44 Lots 25 & 26 (Ely> 43 ft.) Permit to W. Drain to make porch add. to res. at 38o4 Fairmount Ave. with 4 ft. sideyd. Res No. 632 6/8/44