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Development Services

City Heights Block 47 Card 02

CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 47 CARD 02.tif CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK I+? CARD #2 Lots 19 & 20- Permit to C. V. Wallis to make a 12 1 by 12 1 addn to an exist dwell at 3817-1+3rd St; dwell has only a 2' sideyd. Res. 813 1/4/4, Lots 1-4 inc. (East,0 1)- Permit to Charles F. Sachtleben to bld one apt. unit & remodel a bath on the 2nd flr as an addn to an exist store bldg & rooming house at 1+319-21 Univ. Ave., exist bldg on side lot line. Res No. 827 1/18/4,---------------------------------- Lots 17 & 18- Permit to The Salvation Army to make additions and altera- tions to exist Assem. Hall at 3829- 43rd St. with no sideyd for the addn & no sideyd for portions of exist bldgs. Res No. 2331 6/19/47 Lots 11-14- permit to Pacific Cast Iron Pipe & Fitting Co., d.b.a. San Die~ Pipe and Supply Co., to const and oper. an addn to wholesale nlumbing & hardware store and warehouse at 38,7-43rd St. & to maintain 10 1 rear yd & 60% lot coverage. Res no. 2481 8/27/47 Lots 11-11+- Ext. of 6 months on Res. No. 2481 ABOVE granted to San Diego Pipe & Supply Co. Res. No. 2869 2/11/48 Lots 9 & 10- Permit to William V. & Virginia L. George to erect solid board fence, on rear por of prop 8 1 ht. with 2 strands of barbed wire at top to make total heights of 10', E side of 43rd St., S of Univ. Ave. Res No. 3320 7/28/48