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Development Services

City Heights Block 47 Card 03

CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 47 CARD 03.tif CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 47 CARD 113 Lots 9-10- condl permit to Wendell W. Peabody, San Diego Fixture Co. for retail sale & mfg or custom-built cabinets, etc. 3859-43rd St. Res No. 93870 5/31/49 Lots 17 & 18- Permit to Salvation Army to const 14 1x35' addn to asdeillly hall with O' side yd, exist bldg with no side yd, E side 43rd bet Univ. & Wightman. Res. 7124 2/4/53 Lots 31 & 32- Permit to John M. & Estha Brawn to move in a 20 1 x 35' comm. idq store bldg & attach it to an exist res, add to obs 0 1 side yd & the 10 1-:;;;::::-,,front SB as reg by ordinance, 3830 Fairmount Ave. Res. 8236 6/9/'54 Lot 31- Permit to L. L. Stewart to move TV repair and sales room and attach to exist res from 225 Highland Ave., National City to 3830 Fairmount Ave. HM Res. No. 1955 6/30/5"+ Lots 29-30- Permit to Manuel & Sadie Sue Castellano to main two dwelling units converted from t\\O bedrooms on a lot with exs t\\O dwellings (new total of four uh its) and provide five parking spaces and the sixth parking space in tandem at 3820-3822 Fairmount Avenue, Zone C. Condition. C-14835. 12-28-77.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 13 and 14- Permit APPROVED by ZA to GEORGE AND GOLDIE WIXEN, owners; BEDROCK TOWING (JOHN AND MARY JEWELL), lessee, to operate an impound storage yard for fewer than 20 vehicles where such use is permitted only by Conditional Use Permit, at 3841 = 43rd Street, Zone C. Conditions. CUP 17904 4-15-83 BZA- Submitted to BOARD, but at hearing referred back to the ZA. March 2, 1983.