City Heights Block 57
CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 57.tif .,- CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 57 Lot 28- Suspension of R-4.8924. to allow garage on side p":f.,4 from front o side yd 14' rear yd, coverage 38.l~ submitted b:v Henry E. McNeil, 8/17/36 (withdrawn) Resubmited 9/17/36 and withdrawn again. E,o of Lots 1-4 inc.- condl permit to Russell E. Osborn, Merrit s. Tinkham, and Edward Ia Dou, to erect a bldg 4, x,o for use as an auto repair shop at Cherokee St. & Univ. Ave. which cuts off the res at the rear of the prop from st. frontage on Univ. Ave. Res. 1086 8/31/45 Lot & 50 1 of Lot 1-4 inc.- Russell E. Osborn, Merritts. Tinkham, and E. Ia Dou to const 45 1 x 50 1 bldg for use as an auto repair shop on the describe propr which will cut off the res at the rear of the prop from st. frontage on Univ. Ave. and have applied for a Zone Variance under Petition No. 30,6, dated 8/29/4, AGREEMENT 1379 8/31/45 Lot 43 & 44 permit to Judity Reina to main an exist 10 1 x 30 1 room addn on ground floor to 2 dwell unit on parcel, where such use is not perm on the grd floor, at 3878 37th St, Zone c. COND 1 L C-13,719 7-9-76 ~ts 41 & 42- Permit to James Schraefel at 3868 37th St., Zone R-3A to constr 8-unit apt bldg and prov 13 off-str pkg sps. Condit. C-16006 5/14/79----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------