City Heights Block 62
CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 62.tif CITY HEIGHTS BL0CK62 Lot 11- condl perm! t to Domenic and Rose Benenati to repJir watches, clocks 1 sharpen scissors & knives, part-time in exist gar, 3755 Wilson St. Res. 2343 7/2/4-7 Lots 25,26,27- permit granted to Ida D. Hecket to move in 4 res and erect 4 garages, res to cross prop lines, NW cor of Landis & 36th Sts. Res. 24o6 7/30/4-7 Lots 30 & 31- Ralph E. & Miriam L. Sturts DENIED permit to const a gar with l' sideyd and only 59'6" back from front prop line at 3726-36th St. on Lots 30 & 31, Blk 62, City Heights. Res. 3392 9/8/48 Lots 28 & 29- permit to Effie Fogarty to main gar with 1' sideyd and only 59'6" back from front prop line, 3716-36th St. Res. 3393 9/8/1+8 Por Lots 25-27- Permit DENIED to Jose and Martha Nodal to const a 10' x JO' addn w_with 1,_611 side yard and o, eave to property I i ne and to res in 59% coverage. 3574 Land Is Street. Zone R-2. C-15347. 9-18-78._____________------------------------------------------------------------------