City Heights Block 79
CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 79.tif CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 79 ti/I Lots l & 2- Permit DENIED to Maude Lewis, owner &E. S.D. Ki~Tis by J. F. Valleau, pur. to const Boy Scout Clubhouse & ~lay area on SE cor 41st & Landis. Res. 6015 11/28/51 Lots 1 & 2- CC Res. upheld z.c. decision on ABOVE Res. 6015 CC1o4701 12/13/51 Lots 41 & 42- permit to Gady & Virginia M. Braker to tear down por of exist dwell and reconst with 4 1611 betw 2 bldgs, 3670 MBrlborough. Res. No. 6510 6/11/52 Lots l & 2- permit to Kenneth C. Thompson to const res making 4 units, at 4521 Landis St., R-2, condl. Case No. 1443 10/4/57 Lots 9 & 10- Permit to Mr. George Nogy APPROVED request to construct a 10 1 x 36 1 carport on lot with existing single-family dwelling; carport to observe a 3 1 interior side yard where 4 1 Is required, and eaves to observe a 2' interior side yard where 2 1 611 is required, at 3661 41st Street, Zone R-2. Case No. 16343 NH 9-7-79