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Development Services

City Heights Block 81

CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 81.tif CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 81-W 50' Lots 21-24- Permit to Eva Pearl Patei owner & Malcolm Mercer, pur, to const duplex on this parcel, NE cor 40th & uwight. Res. No. 73o4 4/1/53 W 50' Lots 21-24- Eva PeM Pate & Malcolm Mercer, to amnd Res. 73o4 ABOVE, to permit const or to move in duplex, NE cor '+0th & Dwight Res. No. 7378 ~/29/53 W 50' Lots 21-24- Permit to Malcolm Mercer to move in res & conv to duplex with 13' SB on 4oth St., '+006 Dwight St. Res. No. 7365 4/29/53 W 50' x 100 1 Lots 21-24- to move 2-story house to 4oo6-4o08 Dwight St.- Permit to Malcolm Mercer. Res. 1666 5/6/53 E 40 1 of W 90 1 Lots 21-24- Permit to Mrs. Eva P. Mercer to const res, making 2 liv units on par s,Jit a~ter zoning, 4ol2 Dwight St., R-2. Case No. 1790 4/18/58 Lots 38 & 39, Map 1007- Permit to Luther & Eleanor Kessell to maintain 50 1 of 4' hi retain. wall at 3658 Central Ave. C-14030 11/23/76----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------